Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Tips Mudah Menulis Konten Blog Bagian 2

1. Choose the language

In filling a blog that will determine the language you use. Is language a language, Indonesian or even a mixture of foreign languages​​. But still have to consider that everyone can understand the words that you create. If you want to blog moneytizing you have to use English as a broad scope, but if you keep using the Indonesian language, there is also an Indonesian-language program you can follow.

2. Invite others to comment

Active in the comments and responding to comments on your blog. Your activity in response to comments made by visitors to feel appreciated. It could be without you asking them will frequently visit your blog to discuss or the other, they even recommend your blog to provide a link.

3. Choose a catchy title

The selection of interesting titles that represent the content in these postings. Post titles are also greatly affected the position of your blog in search engines. So basically make a title that is approximately one when looking for something typed in the search engines.

4. Promote your blog

Finally, promote your blog often leave comments on other blogs or even in the classifieds.

111 cara menghasilkan uang dengan blog

Tips Mudah Menulis Konten Blog Bagian 1

1. Choose an appropriate theme
Choose the material you have mastered or at least your college or any mempelajaridi and this theme is needed by many people

2. Solve a problem

People seeking information to solve the problem. They're typing something in search engines to solve the solution of their problems. If you have looked into a field then you can provide tips and tricks to the special quality.

3. Focus

Since you intend to create a blog theme that will set you put into it. Focus on the theme of the lift to your blog. Keep at least 75% of your posts are still padatema.

4. Take learning to write

There is a saying learn to the grave, this means that we continue our life-long learning, so menulislah while belajr where strengths and weaknesses of our writing.

5. Determine the target reader of your blog

In addition to the theme, we also need to consider who the target readers of the blog that we created. Do not let the wrong target. By determining the target of our readers are also easy to determine the topics we will post.

6. Do not copy-paste

Copy-paste is fine do not forget to include the source of origin. Because if not the original owner will not be happy with your actions. Do not let your being labeled as plagiarism.

7. just flows

If you already get in the blogosphere, then make it a part of your life. Least once a week posting updates regularly. Even better if you can fill in your posts. But, you have to do it with full sincerity and patience. Do not rush because the results would be ugly. Make andanyaman blog and nice views

111 cara menghasilkan uang dengan blog

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Cara Mudah Menentukan Posisi Iklan Adsense yang Sering Dilihat Bagian 2

 3. Installing adsense ads on posts
To place an ad in the post there are three popular options:

a. Place an ad formats such as large size 300 × 336 × 250 or 280 on the post title. Usually the ads show only selected text. But installation is not to interfere with the beauty blog and convenience of the reader.

b. Place an ad unit size format adsense right after the title of the post. ads that are displayed can be images or text. But put the ad right under the posts could potentially violate the Adsense TOS.

c. Adsense advertisements in the middle of posting. Pemasanganya way to use the plugin or with certain php script. And setting to display only text.

Of the three ad positions on the posts, the most at the click is the No. 3 position of the center post memsasng advertising or no advertising 1.berupa a large and wide

Pick out a lot of clicks

You can advertise in places that many clicks, and sometimes the place you might not realize. Then how can we know that the location is often the visitor clicks? The easiest way is to use tools such as crazyegg click Tracking. Actually Crazyegg serve your guests know in blog activities like google analytics and other tracking tools. Crazyegg excess is able to report the actions of visitors click so you can visually locate anywhere that many visitors clicked by you.

Advertise ala adsense CTR Theme

One more technique is to add a lot of adsense clicks adsense advertising is subject to change on every page. Examples of this technique is used by CTRTheme. CTRTheme has a unique setting and ad placement is different on each page. Suppose that in the post CTRTheme article can arrange to show two ads on the left, then 2 ads on the right, two ads at the top of the articles and advertisements in the last 1 - 1 ad below. Examples of the use CTRTheme blog. Actually, we can arrange advertisements in the sidebar is subject to change as CTRTheme menggunakanPlugin Widget Context. With the Widget Context plugin we can arrange for widget ads that we put on display only on certain pages just let the page post. whereas on the page, tag content we can advertise without advertising or any other format.


Cara Mudah Menentukan Posisi Iklan Adsense yang Sering Dilihat Bagian 1

 If we want memoneytizing blog then we have to create ads on the blog. But do not let the ads that we disrupt that result only made empty of visitors. So we must be clever-clever advertising in place that is easy to determine. Placement of the basic principles that many adsense clicks, adsense support team based on its official blog and review the basic principles adsense adsense ad placement in general are:

1. Ad position on top is better than below. Usually the ads placed in the post or on the title of the article is more widely seen and certainly leads to a lot of clicks.

2. The position on the left better than right. In general, when visitors come to the first position which he saw was the top left like reading a book.

3. The closer the ad to post ads appear more often and have a high CTRi.

 Specifically here in this post will discuss three types of adsense ad placement in the header, sidebar, and the Post. Various kinds of banned google adsense

  1. Adsense ad placement in the Header

The blogger said that there are many wealthy visitors who prefer to click the large image header. From here to there make it a benchmark to put adsense ads on the header select the picture ad units, ad unit and avoid text. For advertising link in the header is less effective. The number of ad clicks adsense link in the header to your header level if you have a clear picture, and great striking. If your header image without alias just a solid color is meaningless advertising link. In order for your perfect header CTR, Choose adsense ads to the size of a large ad format eg size 728 × 90, and setting only show image ads. then at the bottom of the image ad unit before you can add a link ad unit size of the advertisement in the header earlier.

2. Installing adsense ads in the sidebar

If you have a second blog on the right sidebar. For the first sidebar (left sidebar) put adsense ad unit size of 160 × 600 or 120 × 600 to fit the width of the sidebar, and setting to show only text ads. Underneath install a widget that displays a link to your blog posts, like related post widget or widgets latest post, link categories - simply plug Remember only one widget. Under the earlier articles widget, put adsense link ads. You can experiment with colors comparable to color in the widget article text or choose colors and flashy ads are different. If your blog has only one sidebar. Advertise adsense unit on the top. Setting for text only ads. If the CTR that produced less than the maximum can be tried to install the image on the ad widget had some article or blog. Adsense on the blog so that Indonesia has always appeared


Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Cara Mudah Membuat Blog Keren

         Blog or what we call in question is a Blogger or blogspot, because this blog using blogspot then I will discuss about it, the blog is relatively cool, because everyone's tastes differ, in the background blogpun also vary, some are like costum , and there is also a standard....

I myself can not say that these blogs are easy to cool, because sometimes I want to also have another blog as a friend of mine and blogwalking time. Emmm .. like the ad said "neighbor's lawn is greener than grass own backyard" as are also the blog.

Below are some ways that your blog looks cool, how to make cool blog?
Select the template that's cool.

In the first step to make sure cool blog template you are too cool, download the template you think is coolest. You can use template download cool blog on my first post.
Pairs of widgets that look cool

Widget by which I mean like making a recent post run, and the contents are pretty well daftat. and you can create content with jquery to make it look cool.
Pairs that share the cool, too,

Attach the float share a cool, Put also a way to make a comment facebook or tweeter in your blog, as well as make it easier to be able to interact penbaca in your article, facebook comments give the impression of cool too loh on your blog.

Similarly, a few tips on how to make a cool blog, do not like having my blog this chaotic yah ..



What is a blog?

Blog is a common bersufat web, and can be updated at any time and usually the latest post located at the top. People who like blogging called bloggers, while the activities of the blog is called blogging.

Why have a blog?

1. Because the blog has a variety of functions such as:
2. A place to vent.
3. Arena of self-actualization.
4. Brainstorm event fellow bloggers.
5. A day care center while on assignment to the cafe forgot to bring the "flash".
6. Seekers place a dime.
7. Place your business promotion.

How can I make a blog make money?

The way is easy:

The first thing you do is have a blog that could account for free or paid didapar of blospot.com or others like wordpress.com. Then post the article and update periodically so good position in search engine.Setelah quite a lot of visitors and followers in your blog, install an affiliate program in place which is easily seen. Last point of your blog visitors to respond to your affiliate program

111 cara menghasilkan uang dengan blog

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Cara Mudah Membuat Blog

Creating a blog is very easy to not have to beat around the bush like creating an email. Email to be made to create a blog that is google. If we were to open email in google, we only took 3 seconds to activate the blog.

On its own blogspot.com also explained that you need to Blogger homepage, click "Create Your Blog" and create a Google Account. Note that you may already have a Google Account if you have previously been using Google products such as orkut, Google Groups, Gmail, and other products - if so, go ahead and go. Next, choose a display name and accept Blogger Terms of Service. Once everything is set up, you're ready to start a blog!. if you are confused about this step.

1. Go to the blogspot.com.atau click here

2. If you just activate google mail account, you can directly go to your blog automatically.

3. Fill in your email and password, then click"enter"

4. Next, you enter a display name and sex.

5. Then click "continue" and you will be offered that you want to connect your blog on google + or not, if you want to join click "start", while if it does not want to join click on "new blog".

If successful the blog will come up and make your blog ready to be filled with articles.

Good luck,


Cara Mudah Membuat Email

         Email (electronic mail) merupakan salah satu jenis surat yaitu surat elektronik (disingkat ratel atau surel atau surat-e) atau surat kawat. Pengertian email sendiri adalah sarana kirim mengirim surat melalui jalur Internet. Dengan surat biasa umumnya pengirim perlu membayar per pengiriman (biasanya dengan membeli perangko), tetapi surat elektronik umumnya biaya yang dikeluarkan adalah biaya untuk membayar penggunaan Internet.

            Untuk mengirim email kita harus mempunyai alamat terlebuh dahulu dengan mendaftarkan diri di penyedia layanan email dengan cara mengisi formulir yang disediakan dan mengikuti petunjuk. Layanan ini gratis (tidak dipungut biaya), namun ada juga yang berbayar, misalnya di yahoo atau google. Alamat email memuat  2 identitas yaitu identitas pengguna dan identitas penyedia layanan email yang dipisahkan dengan tanda “@”. Misal boedi@yahoo.com, boedi merupakan identitas pengguna dan yahoo merupakan identitas penyedia layanan email sedangkan .com merupakan domain. User name tidak boleh berisi simbol contoh #,$,%,&,?,<,(.

Keuntungan dalam yaitu di email kita dapat melampirkan file digital yang tidak bisa kita lakukan jika menggunakan surat biasa. Kita dapat melampirkan foto, file audio maupun video. Pengirim juga tidak memerlukan kertas, amplop, pulpen dan perangko. Jangkauannya bisa seluruh dunia dan dalam hitungan detik sampai ke tempat tujuan. Kita masih memiliki surat yang kita kirim.

Email juga memiliki kelemahan diantaranya bila tidak jeli menulis alamat bisa salah kirim. Kemungkinan disadap oleh orang yang tidk bertanggung jawab, jadi harus hati – hati bila mengirim berisi dokumen penting. Adanya e-mail sampah (junkmail/spam) atau kebanjiran email jika sudah lama tidak membuka email masuk.

Berikut merupakan istilah-istilah yang sering digunakan dalam menggunakan e-mail adalah :
1. Sign Up : Mendaftarkan diri (menjadi member)
2. Sign In : Pemilik e-mail dapat masuk ke e-mailnya sendiri apabila sudah terdaftar (menjadi member)
3. Compose : Menulis surat baru
4. Inbox : Surat yang masuk ke pemilik e-mail
5. To : Surat akan dikirim ke alamat e-mail yang dituju
6. CC : Surat dikirim secara berantai ke alamat lain
7. BCC : Surat dikirim ke alamat yang dituju tanpa memberi tahu pemilik alamat yang tercantum di alamat CC
8. Draft : Surat yang ditulis tapi belum dikirim
9. Sent : Surat yang terkirim
10. Spam : Surat yang berisi kata-kata yang tidak baik/menganggu
11. Reply : Membalas surat yang diterima
12. Trash : Melihat e-mail yang telah dihapus
13. Bulk : Melihat e-mail yang dicurigai sebagai spam
14. Forward : Meneruskan surat yang diterima untuk disampaikan kepada orang lain
15. Attachment : Fasilitas pada sebuah program e-mail baik program komputer maupun webmail yang dapat digunakan untuk mengirimkan file, atau gambar, yang di ikutsertakan pada e-mail yang akan di kirim.