Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Bagaimana cara mudah mendapatkan sponsor di blog?

To get a sponsor there are several requirements that must be met by the owner of the website or blog. Among them are:
1. must have a regular visitor,
2. many visitors each day,
3. original content.
4. Have good traffic in the search engine google, bing, etc.
5. To get the most from a list of blog traffic in google webmaster and Alexa live search on google.
For sponsorship or advertising from the internet a lot of google itself there is such thing as Google Adsense (GA) is PPC perklik we sponsor directly chosen by Google raised in our blog to the list a little difficult but there is judgment and persyarat first. There is also of Blogger and many more links from the Internet. there are 4, another prerequisite to a referral to our blog by sponsor:

1. Traffic.
Determine the amount of traffic to interest advertisers to advertise, the greater / more, the higher the animonya.

2. SEO
SEO determines taffic, but consideration of the advertiser is the popularity of the web blog (rank or pagerank) in the eyes of SE. The higher the pagerank, the greater his chances. Advertiser is not only hunt down traffic, but also linkback from your website or blog quality.

3. Related Niche
Although not very significant, but there is also a glance advertiser niche blog or a web that matches stored products.

4. Conversion rate
Advertiser consider the extent to which the power of traffic which is carried by publisher advertising, whether big or not. Do visitors then buy the product? This article reviews typically install advertiser or the like.


4 ciri tambahan gadis tidak perawan

1.Jalannya ngangkang
Cowok paling seneng liat cewek yang jalanya rapet, ya itu definisi dasar kalo cewek udah gak perawan,kayaknya aneh aja gitu kalo gue liat cewek punya kaki yang model ngangkang gitu.pasti hampir semua cowok juga pasti berfikir sama kaya gue,kalo liat cewel punya model jalannya yg ngangkang.sebenarnya sih kita gak bisa gitu aja,mungkin aja tuh cewek turunan genetika punya kaki berbentuk x atau o.bisa juga kan..

2.Ditanya "masih perawan?" jawab "masih"(dengan sewotnya)
Kalo cewek yang masih perawan kalo ditanya kaya gitu sih dia gak jawab? tapi dia cuma ngasih ekspresi yang misterius dan meyakinkan kalo dia perawan. tapi kalau tuh cewek jawabnya sewot banget, ada potensi dia udah kagak perawan.

3.Buah dadanya 
Salah satu ciri cewek dah gak perawan tuh buah dadanya kendor . ya pokoknya gitu deh,buah dadanya tuh lenjer banget.ya ibarat balon di isi air

4.Bodynya kaya ibu-ibu
Cewek gak perawan itu punya body mirip banget sama ibu-ibu,gemukan di pinggulnya,pokonya badannya mirip ibu-ibu.dari bagian bawah dada sampai pinggul itu sedikit membesar. tapi mungkin juga ya tuh cewek dulunya gemuk,jadi dia agak besar.


Tanda gadis perawan

Menurut survey katanya: ada banyak tanda-tanda  atau ciri fisik seorang Gadis atau wanita yg sudah tidak perawan tanpa harus melihat "kedalam", kita cukup melihat dari ciri fisik luarnya saja. Bila anda cermati dengan teliti akan terlihat:

 1. Ujung mata didekat hidung legok kearah dalam.
 2. Rambut tipis dipinggir pelipis & dekat telinga tidak tegak berdiri.
 3. Lengan ( dekat bahu ) tidak tipis.
 4. Pinggir Paha belahan terlihat nyata alias tidak bulat lagi.

 5. Terlihat urat pada betis ( bukan Varises )
 6. Kalo jari kelingking dipegang langsung keringat dingin & Salting (SalahTingkah)
 7. Bentuk pantat yg condong turun kebawah tidak nonggeng keatas lagi( kuda saja yg sudah pernah ditunggangi berubah posturnya sama yg belum )
 8. Kalo berdekatan / bersentuhan tubuhnya gampang panas.
 9. Puting Payudaranya tidak besar.
 10. Bila tersentuh "kemaluan" akan merasa sangat sensitif sambil mengeluarkan sedikit teriakan kecil.

Sedikt tips saya, bila ingin mengetahui seorang gadis terkena penyakit Kelamin apa tidak perhatikan saja bau nafasnya apakah bau obat ANTIBIOTIK apa tidak, yaitu dengan cara bila mulutnya tercium seperti bau antibiotik tandanya gadis atau wanita tersebut telah terkena penyakit kelamin yang cukup serius. Dengan catatan si cewek tersebut tidak mengalami gigi berlubang


Jumat, 20 April 2012

Cara Jitu Memancing Ide Menulis

Many people have difficulty when searching for an article idea. Some say, if you find the idea of ​​a good mood required. They say, that idea hard to find in the absence of a good theme to write about. Is this true?

           Everyone has different ways in his search for ideas. Everyone has different perspectives and solutions, which are usually built in accordance with one's work culture. Many of us who think, that to write a work that takes an idea muncul.Jika no idea that comes up, we can not write. Sometimes, people often hang up his idea with the emergence of an insight, enlightenment, or ideas that appear suddenly when we are dealing with a case. 

At first glance, the above opinion is not wrong. However, there are some things we need to know further. The idea is simply waiting for its emergence as an inspiration 'keprabon revelation' of the kings in ancient times the island of Java. The idea that we create ourselves. In other words, we must be creative and observant in seeing a thing.

Creative means that we have thought beyond most people. Creative also means having a solution that is different from most of the solution adopted by most people. If we do not actively seek out and stimulate the brain in order to see a theme, we will be immersed in the world of writing due ketidakeksisan in writing. Because, each of us relies on the idea of ​​writing that can not be ascertained appearance.

Insight in writing is not a new thing in everyone's mind. People often hang up his idea with the emergence of insight of writing. Various problems arose when we are required to complete a post, but we do not get that insight. Thus the severity of how to find ideas, so we often mistakenly, that wishes do come to the surface the idea.


Cara Mudah Mendatangkan Pengunjung Sekaligus Menaikkan Rank Blog

There have been many theories and ways to bring visitors mencaribagaimana way, these tips from the bloggers mania proved to be beneficial also because I also wanted to share my discovery tip tip results in a virtual world for all of you, who have no intention, dream dreams and ambitions for his blog many guests visited by a fellow guest bloggers or visitors coming from google, do not need this theory at length just the way he is like this:

1. Register your blog on goolge addurl
For example, his blog: nah you enter the address of this blog in the url box, well if you wrote the article (new post) Mass address: money-from-internet.html, you open it again goolge addurl then you enter your post Url Url box. Try each post you submit it on the list too, not just the url of his home course.

2. Register at geocities
You just copy the url address and write your email address and click submit your site

3. Register also at
Same way as registering in google addurl so each posting also the url address you entered it, its not just home alone

4. Fill in the guest book and leave comments on others blogs you visit
If you need to write all messages for a visit back, try doing this every day even though only write 5 comment / guest book on other blogs and of course you link to your blog ya .. do not forget

5. exchange links and banners with the bloggers

6. Participate in the forum specific forum you prefer
I participate in forums such as photoshop and I each wrote a comment or an article or just answer the questions people always endeavored to create a link to our blog

7. If you have a skill or talent involved discordant article
such as in Computer Science, Wikipedia and others and most importantly you link to your blog

8. Try to go to google and type: submit free url url later google will open a website that provides free submit url, of course after you register your blog

9.Tips last one is patient, keep trying and praying
Be patient and do not give up it takes time to blog a visit and we have found by google


5 Cara Mudah dan Sederhana Menggali Ide Tulisan

However writing a Novel, Short Story blogs, or just need to dig the idea. We developed an idea for a theme that will lift us into a post. Many ways to explore the idea and the idea was it worth monitoring the entry of a new post. Alone I'll give 5 tips to explore the idea of ​​writing.

1.listening to Music

You can listen to music any kind of imagination and let it evolve. When the music and the imagination are fit usually will appear fresh ideas.

2.watching Movies

There are so many movies that can give our imagination about a writing topic.

3.Chat / Chat

Chat with anyone anytime anywhere, you can chat via social media (Twitter, Facebook) and nggobrol directly with the people around us.


Part of the way for this is the easiest and fastest way to explore writing, by browsing to read some of the sites we automatically get the materials or ideas for new posts, we can develop or respond to what we are to read and read while browsing

4.take a break

Sometimes the break will bring many new ideas. Retiring a break or is the method most often used when we get the idea does not go


Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Cara Mudah Untuk Memunculkan Ide Tulisan Bagian 3

8. Brain teasers continues to write daily occurrence.

Does not require big ideas in writing a daily occurrence. Write daily events will enable us to analyze an event better. By writing, we will be more skilled in expressing ideas in writing. It may be that we are writing about the events of the day it was interesting to be developed, so we do not experience more difficulties in finding an idea.

9. Talk and Discuss with others.

Discuss and talk with others about various topics. This will open our mind and insight. Exchange of ideas through discussion will further enrich our analysis of a problem. That way, we can more easily find a solution to a problem, especially if we previously difficult to find a solution.

Variety of ways that I mentioned above is just a fraction of an idea how to fish. Exploring simple events of everyday life it is necessary to avoid such a stimulus can be in finding an idea. It is also a simple way that can be done by everyone. In essence, paculah ourselves at all times in order to find ideas, ranging from simple things that happen everyday. Over time, we will more easily find ideas for writing.

In addition to the written material, everyday events are written it can also serve as a process of self-development, sharpening problem analysis capabilities, as well as the sharpness of our intellect enricher. The events that occurred were also part of our own history, or even history in general.

So, congratulations to explore ideas and create a work of spectacular. Never be afraid to explore and express ideas, because once again, the idea is never wrong.


Cara Mudah Untuk Memunculkan Ide Tulisan Bagian 2

 4. Do not discard the idea that arise, record, and the inspiration for the record books.

Every time we find new ideas, should not be taken lightly, or throw it away. Record and make an inspiring book that contains all of these ideas. Do not be afraid of our ideas are not relevant to the article we want to make at this time. It may be that our ideas can be used on other occasions, and we just sort out which ideas are relevant, or where the support of the next article. It helps us to bring a notebook, a small paper, phone, or anything that can be used as a medium of writing. Once recorded, we can move in the book of inspiration that we make. Remember, write our ideas in a book to inspire us not separate, and we are also easy to use when needed.

5. When looking at a problem arises, think creatively.

Creative is often emphasized by everyone in thinking. Why should a creative way? Because, with the same mindset as most people, maybe we will not find something new, something different, what makes us different from others. High creativity are precious values ​​that must be owned by each author. By thinking creatively, we were required to continue to hone the performance of the brain as well get used to not wait for insight. Instead, we should be able to bring insight at any time.

6. No idea is wrong.

We need to build a concept that we must instill in us, that no idea is wrong. We must dare mengungkapakan any ideas that emerge. Our mistakes bianya more for fear of exposing these ideas into an article. Thus, we have a lot of unwarranted fears. As a result, it actually inhibits our concerns in writing. So, do not be afraid mengungkapakan an idea. Because, every idea is valuable. Let us not be sorry if we do not express our ideas, and ultimately successful others who express ideas that were similar to ours.

7. Recreation or refresh the brain with fun things.

If we are tired and overworked body, it helps us or search for a recreational activity that can refresh your body and mind. If our time is limited, we can do a hobby that has been long abandoned. This will help to refresh your body and mind so that we can work with a great atmosphere. In addition to the hobby a long time, we also visited the homes of relatives or friends or simply let go of tired looking for inspiration. 


Cara Mudah Untuk Memunculkan Ide Tulisan Bagian 1

1. Increase sensitivity up to the events that occurred in the neighborhood.

Our environment has potential as a theme paper. Many events that happen in one day, which must have contained a unique event, which can be used as writing material. We must be sensitive and willing to look at all the events from different angles. It is important that we have a brilliant idea that never occurred to anyone before.

2. Take lessons and reflect on every event that happens around us.

Once we see a thing, do not only see just a glance; see and ignore. In any event must have contained a lesson that not everyone can express it. No exception, a disaster would save the lessons that we can make a reflection. Reflection of what we perceive we can make posts, whether it be short stories, poems, novels, news, articles, screenplay, speeches, training materials, etc.. All materials can be used as a last reflection of the idea of ​​writing in accordance with our interests. Live how we want to pack it in writing later.

3. Update your brain with a fresh brain vitamin.

Vitamins are meant here is not a memory booster supplement in the brain that we often see on television. Vitamin brain here is the insight and knowledge that we continue to add to utilize a variety of sources, such as mass media, both print and electronic. We can find ideas by reading newspapers, magazines, radio listening, browsing the news on the Internet, watching television, etc.. All of the above media will help us in increasing knowledge. We must not be glued to search for news related to our field alone. However, we also need to add insight beyond our field. However, there is no useless knowledge. All the things we know are beneficial to us, and to hone the mindset, and increase our intellectual capacity as intellectual beings.


Selasa, 10 April 2012

Download ost My Sassy Girl (di ANTV)

Booming korea di Indonesia saat ini mulai berdampak pada saya, dulu saya nggak begitu suka dengan tarian maupun film sampai suatu ketika saya lihat ada suatu drama kotea di tv yaitu my sassy girl. My sassy Girl adalah salah satu drama korea yang menurut saya bagus, lucu, mengharukan dll. didukung artis dan aktor khas korea yang cakep. Sountrack yang bagus seperti sajian yang mantap.namun sayang episodenya terlalu pendek coba kalau agak panjang hmmm....

mau download sountracknya disini tempatnya
terserah mau 1 lagu atau sealbum

Minggu, 08 April 2012

Cara Mudah Meningkatkan Rangking Alexa

Most of Blogger would like to have a high page rank alexa, well to realize that all is not easy because it takes struggle, a drain of energy, time and mind, as a blogger who likes walking walking here and there I found a few articles to improve alexa we rank way is as follows:
1.Buat interesting posts so many visitors who come
2.Daftar blog to search engines, to be easily indexed.
3.Cari backlink as much quality - Comments on the site that many visitors and has a high page rank, good comment in order to attract the attention of the blog owner or other users, include a link so others can easily go to your blog - update your blog regularly, because google is more pleased with the frequently updated site because google considers there is a continuous activity in your blog. Submit your blog to blog catalog, blog directories or free, the more links from other blogs to your blog, then google will increasingly assume your blog weighted.
4.Aktif in group discussion forums such as google, yahoo answer, or social networking sites like MySpace and FaceBook
5.Daftarkan your blog to technorati
6.Menginstal Alexa toolbar on your browser, or install the alexa widget in blog
7.Biasakan into your site using google search
8.Buat link between pages, and link from the home page to sub pages and vice versa


Jurus Mudah Meningkatkan Komisi Affiliate

Got a cool blog, have had a lot of visitors, or want to enhance your blog as well as producing coins? Try to put the affiliate. Now a lot of affiliate providers like the one on this blog.

Dabbling in the world of affiliate marketing is very nice, affiliate posted asal.tujuan we certainly do not try your luck but because of financial factors, may also be influenced by our creativity in the use of blogs that we have.

In doing affiliate marketing products we not only put on the blog, of course, we also need in the classified ads or promotions from other blogs. Let us not stand idly by as it is, if it has not managed to record sales keep trying.

Visitors who click on your affiliate link may not be purchased on the spot, perhaps on another day. As a result, when visitors want to visit the website associated with an affiliate link, he can only recall the main domain link. So we lose our own prospects. This system applies if no cookies or cookies are broken by our own affiliate link competitior

One example is, if my friend promote an affiliate link then viewed by visitors who know about it. He would then think that this affiliate link. As a result he just copy some link without include our affiliate link.

The solution is to link cloack (bypass URL) to view our affiliate links are not known to others and a brief look at the page google.Untuk hide the affiliate link we need a step further with the help of software, plugins or web URL shortening service providers


Tips Mudah Meningkatkan Trafik Pengunjung Blog

Many ways to improve our blog visitors with SEO Optimization Blog. in this post I will discuss the basic techniques are very important for a beginner like me to boost the position of blogs in the eyes of search engines. Initially I lay completely with the term SEO.

SEO's you doing? Usefulness for what? hehehe. . . Search Engine Optimization or SEO is often the bloggers say is a way to boost the position of our blog in the eyes of search engines. with our blog on how the peak position in the search it will create a blog visitor is definitely more crowded and we would then increase pagerank.

Immediately, he is a little basic techniques in SEO optimization on the blog:

1. Title proper determination.
This is meant to search for keywords related to search (the value of popularity, competition, the most frequently searched for, and also has a sale value keyword) in the primary and the title of our blog posts.

2. Make key phrases (Long Tail) by adding 2-4 words relating to the posting.
first example we make the title "Free Download" and then we add "software full version" of pediksinya etc. will be optimized in the search keyword

3. In the post store / blog put a few keywords and do not forget to insert a link to the blog and can also thicken the existing keyword.

4. Register for our Blog to Search Engines.
now has many practical ways to register your blog to many search engines at once.

5. Sitemap install the Blog.
To further optimize the search we can use our sitemap to your blog to be more friendly.

6. Creating Outbound Link / we commonly refer to exchange links (Link Exchange).
a powerful technique to improve our site ranking in the eyes of search engines.

7. Creating an Optimal Site Layout.
Point for our blog more SEO friendly, well structured and neat

Those are some basic tips to improve visitors (traffic) blog by SEO Optimization Blog. Good luck and hopefully useful