Many people have difficulty when searching for an article idea. Some say, if you find the idea of a good mood required. They say, that idea hard to find in the absence of a good theme to write about. Is this true?
Everyone has different ways in his search for ideas. Everyone has different perspectives and solutions, which are usually built in accordance with one's work culture. Many of us who think, that to write a work that takes an idea muncul.Jika no idea that comes up, we can not write. Sometimes, people often hang up his idea with the emergence of an insight, enlightenment, or ideas that appear suddenly when we are dealing with a case.
Everyone has different ways in his search for ideas. Everyone has different perspectives and solutions, which are usually built in accordance with one's work culture. Many of us who think, that to write a work that takes an idea muncul.Jika no idea that comes up, we can not write. Sometimes, people often hang up his idea with the emergence of an insight, enlightenment, or ideas that appear suddenly when we are dealing with a case.
At first glance, the above opinion is not wrong. However, there are some things we need to know further. The idea is simply waiting for its emergence as an inspiration 'keprabon revelation' of the kings in ancient times the island of Java. The idea that we create ourselves. In other words, we must be creative and observant in seeing a thing.
Creative means that we have thought beyond most people. Creative also means having a solution that is different from most of the solution adopted by most people. If we do not actively seek out and stimulate the brain in order to see a theme, we will be immersed in the world of writing due ketidakeksisan in writing. Because, each of us relies on the idea of writing that can not be ascertained appearance.
Insight in writing is not a new thing in everyone's mind. People often hang up his idea with the emergence of insight of writing. Various problems arose when we are required to complete a post, but we do not get that insight. Thus the severity of how to find ideas, so we often mistakenly, that wishes do come to the surface the idea.
Creative means that we have thought beyond most people. Creative also means having a solution that is different from most of the solution adopted by most people. If we do not actively seek out and stimulate the brain in order to see a theme, we will be immersed in the world of writing due ketidakeksisan in writing. Because, each of us relies on the idea of writing that can not be ascertained appearance.
Insight in writing is not a new thing in everyone's mind. People often hang up his idea with the emergence of insight of writing. Various problems arose when we are required to complete a post, but we do not get that insight. Thus the severity of how to find ideas, so we often mistakenly, that wishes do come to the surface the idea.
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