Getting rid of body odor is usually done using a wide range of beauty products. This is a powerful way to eliminate body odor. However, it only makes scented body from the outside only. To obtain a fragrant body, it is advisable to mempuyai fragrant scent as well. To get it, you can use herbs be some.
According to Prof H Unus Suriawiria, biotechnology and agro-industry experts from the Institut Teknologi Bandung, there are some plants that have a natural deodorant predicate. Plants are still used today by people who live in rural areas. "In fact, a small urban communities are still using it," said Prof Unus.
What are these plants?
1. Flowers kecombrang
Latin name of this plant is Nicolaia speciosa and entered in the family Zingiberaceae. Kecombrang flower often used as ornamental flowers, but also delicious eaten in the form of pecal, vegetables, or sauce. "Kecombrang can be used in addition to vegetables while cooking," said Prof Unus.
Diligently take interest kecombrang it is useful to maintain freshness scent. This is because the active substances contained in it, namely sapomin, flavoinoida, and polyphenols. Still said Prof Unus, kecombrang also rich in vitamins and minerals.
2. Betel leaf
Leaves of plants named Latin piper betle is known to contain antiseptic and other active substances that are beneficial eliminate body odor problem.
How to use:
a. Boil five betel leaves in two cups of water, wait until the remaining into a glass. While warm drink once a day until the odor disappeared.
b. Take a taste of betel leaves and then refined. Mix with a little whiting. Rub mixture on underarms.
3. Leaves beluntas
Beluntas common as a living fence. Pluchea indica plants Latin name of this leaf is oval, short stalk, and green. The flowers are white, brown. Leaves and flowers contain an alkaline substance that acts as an antiseptic.
How to use:
a. Beluntas leaves eaten fresh as a salad with rice and side dishes.
b. Take a handful of leaves beluntas then boiled in two cups of water. Wait until the remaining into a glass. Drink warm every morning and evening.
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