Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Cara Mudah Mendapat Sponsor Bagian 1

Sponsor a term that is quite close to the event organizer. Almost in all the activities that require large funding never forget the party on this one. Sponsors are individuals / institutions / companies that participate and help facilitate the activities of a form that can be converted into cash. The existence of links is important to remember that not all activities need to be pursued alone. Sometimes even a sponsor can be a major force in the implementation of activities.

To get cash from the sponsor may be somewhat difficult for the inaugural activities or for institutions that have not been known. Positioning of a project can be the deciding factor in attracting sponsors. Activities that are already known, lasts longer and has a good reputation have a tendency to more easily get a sponsor. In this case the reliability of the negotiations is important. An effective way to get around that one of them to barter with. Typically, the prospective sponsor will be more respect if done in barter sponsorship promotion.

Currently, many still view the event organizer search links solely as a fundraising activity to support the event created. Though sponsorship has now turned into a marketing partnership of cooperation between companies running activities with corporate sponsors. If we are not ready to become part of the partnership is mutually beneficial marketing efforts, sponsorship of activities that we nurture will fail, perhaps we managed to get a sponsor, but will fail to maintain a cooperative relationship for the long term.

Currently looking for sponsors for the job has changed drastically. This was fueled mainly by rising expectations of the sponsors. They want sponsorshipnya activities can be used as a means to achieve the various targets at once, with sponsorshipnya integrate into a variety of other marketing activities. They want sponsorshipnya can really connect with the target market. In the long run, the sponsors are not interested in the activities associated with the sponsors. They want to build relationships with target markets to the level of personal relationships, strengthen relationships and create a level of relevance that can not be achieved by marketing media such as television, radio or newspapers.

Thus, the search task sponsor has changed from the flag raisers like a conduit, by offering a variety of benefits and opportunities that can help the sponsor achieve a certain level of relationship with its target market. Currently the sponsors also expect us to help them understand more deeply about the visitors that we hold the event. They are not just curious about the age and sex of the visitors, but they also want to know why people are willing to come to our show, what would be the main attraction. The sponsors also want to improve or enhance the experience.

1 Pelatihan Public Relation pada tanggal 26 Juli 2010 di gedung Ki Hajar Dewantoro FISE UNY
2 Marketing PT. ISES Consulting Indonesia, Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konsultan managemen UKM dan  LKM serta penjualan software keuangan

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