Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Cara Mudah Mendapat Sponsor Bagian 2

This means that we as a search sponsors are required to work even harder. Links can be easily moved to a variety of different activities. Therefore, penyelanggara activity can not rely on revenue from sponsors in the form of grants. The new model of sponsorship is based on partnership. Sponsorship is based on a partnership to provide various types of results that led to sponsor any harder to leave the partnership.

Anyone who is likely to sponsor our event? The answer is all the agencies / firms who are in need of promotion and is looking for cooperation partners in the company doing the work program. Let's look at the opportunities sponsor in 3 (three) sectors of life:

a. Public sector

1) has a budget of government agencies to help improve the quality people in both physical and non physical. The district, provincial and national levels.
2) The Government has a program of work. Always working on several programs involving the community as a partner

b. Private sector

1) The author who was promoting his writings. Inviting them usually free accommodation and transport
2) Publishers who is promoting his latest publications
3) The company's new product promo
4) The company is opening a new branch office
5) The Company has a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities aimed at social and non-profit
6) Bank have social funds for community
7) Every company always has a promotional budget
8) The Company is developing and plans to expand its market
9) The Company friends of organization

c. Third sector

1) Non Infaq Amil Zakat Sadaqah. Non-profit social agencies have a budget allocation of work on a variety of fields. How access to a partner.
2) Social institutions have a work program and in some programs require cooperation with other parties

The forms of cooperation that can be done by the sponsor are as follows:

-Financial assistance in the form of cash
Barter-media products with promotion: radio, newspapers, magazines, television

-Support the speaker. It could be taken from the speaker's sponsor or sponsor-agencies responsible for getting a speaker from the agency network sponsor

-Support of accommodation (hotel / cathering)
Eg discount on printing, cathering
Souvenir T-shirts, for example, recalls-kenangn

-Cooperation MoU melaluia program

-Discounted company products

1 Pelatihan Public Relation pada tanggal 26 Juli 2010 di gedung Ki Hajar Dewantoro FISE UNY
2 Marketing PT. ISES Consulting Indonesia, Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konsultan managemen UKM dan LKM serta penjualan software keuangan

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